Monday 25 Jan

We finally finished watching “Dirty Harry” but we had to give up our library period to finish the last part. Anyway its quiet an interesting movie, except that because of the class projector’s display and the lights we could not see some of the seen that were in the movie. Nevertheless we manage to get what the movie was about. This movie has quiet an interesting resolution as compare to most police movies, as it ended with the main character quitting the job rather than some promotion or awarded for his contribution.
The bad guy in this movie was really a total jerk not only did he tried to frame Harry for using violence against him but also that he kidnapped young children to get ransom from the government. He is really a coward to do some thing like that; he dare not face those who are stronger than him but pick on those weak or even those who are unable to even defend themselves.
Harry solves the problem using a really strange and unusual way (not implying that it’s not effective). It is to give the person a choice to recall how many bullets were actually fired, and if there is any left in his gun. Then let make their decision whether to summit or to take a chance that Harry has no bullet left and tries to fight back. In the end the bad guy chose his own death by thinking that Harry had no bullet left to kill him with and tried to reach for his gun.

Friday 22 Jan

Today during science lab lesson we did an experiment with agar by soaking it in hydrochloric acid to see the change of colour as the hydrochloric acid .the experiment is to find out if surface area affects the rate of diffusion .It was our first trip to the lab for the year as the lab was reserved for the upper secondary students. The agar look really delicious but the agar there is inedible as it was filled with some lethal poison that will cause you to be paralyzed. The lethal poison was said to be used to for preserving the products in the lab.
Timothy keep saying that he want to eat the agar although it was meant to be meant to be a joke but till it triggers the desire of one to try it. But the fact is the agar looks really delicious, anyway we went on to cut the agar according to different dimensions and place it into the hydrochloric acid and see how long does it take for each block to change from milky white to pink completely and depending on the time to see if different surface area affects the rate of diffusion. We waited for a really long period of time for it to change colour, as the instruction says that the how agar block much change into pink colour before we can take it as the result. The one that took the longest was the 1cm by 1cm by 1cm agar cube it took us about six and a half minutes just to turn pink.

Wednesday 20 Jan

Today I went to L.A.N. (local network connection) with my friends .we went there to play a group cooperation first person shooter game known as L4D2 (left 4 dead 2). It was their first time playing the game. You start the game as a survivor trying to get to the safe house (the end of each stage) by killing zombies along the way. The story of the game was that a mutated mad bull disease was spreading in the city causing the citizens to turn into mindless brain eating zombies. While you the one playing the game was left out after the rescue. You have to fight your way though the zombies to call for rescue to come at each final stage.
I expected them to be more skilled as they claim to have played other first person shooting games. But when the game starts they could not even defend themselves and caused a whole load of trouble through out the journey slowing down the pace of the game. One wandered off on his own walking away from the remaining group thinking that he is taking the right path. When he was attacked by zombie and could no handle by himself he finally called for help and we had to walk all the way back just too safe him.
Later on we played verses meaning that some player actually play as zombies to prevent the other players (the survivors) from going to the safe house. Though we had some lose sometime due to the inability to cooperate we had a lot of fun.

Sunday 16 Jan

I went to one of my friends “random” party at her house. The party was suppose to be at in the afternoon but since I live a great far distance away from her , I had to leave my house quiet early at about 11.30 am . When I reach at her house it was about 12.30 pm but I realized that everyone seem to have already arrived.
They were all busy preparing for the party, e.g. making decorations, testing projectors, setting up sound system and so on. Everyone seems busy except me (of cause since I just arrived). I quickly joined in so as not to be the odd one out and lent them a hand with the decorations. At about 1.30 pm everything was ready and we brought it down to the function room to put it up. There were presents for Yong Xing (the organizer and the owner of the condominium) after the series of gifts the videos dedicated to her made by Stand. was shown with the projector .after all the crap (not really) we went on to play some games to brighten up the mood. We had to guess the action of someone to determine the name of a movie; we had people who did really random actions claiming it to be the newest action 3D movie Avatar. His actions seem like some gun fight from some old movies which totally made no connection to anything in the movie Avatar.
Later we move to e karaoke room as the function was book by another family for birthday party. The whole load of us went to slack on the sofa while the over enthusiastic people went on to show off their “awesome” vocal and started singing. We had our dinner at about 8.30 pm went the maid called and we had to go up and bring the food down to the karaoke room. At 10 pm we started clearing up. We all had a great time there and were unwilling to leave, but it’s getting late and some had to work the next day while others including myself had to get to school.

Saturday 15 Jan

Today is my friend Mark’s 16th birthday I and my other friend together with mark’s brother Moses went to city harvest church before going to Mark’s house. After the service we went for the John little sale at expo hall 4 to get a present for Mark before going to his house. We looked around for a suitable present for him and finally decided to get him pair of jeans and some snacks for compensate.
When finally reached his house it was about 9.00 pm his mother had bake him a cake for his birthday. (Mark had a brought forward celebration 2 days ago with his father before he left Singapore) .They waited for us to arrive before starting the celebration and we took some pictures the cake and sang happy birthday song dedicated to Mark, then we had some brief candle blowing and we went on to eating the cake. I was very touched by the fact that his mother had actually went though all the trouble to bake a cake as they could have just bought a smaller cake and just let it past. The cake was really nice, it may not look as fancy as the kind of cake found outside but it contains the love of his mother which can replace absolutely anything. We watch a movie chosen by Mark himself after the birthday celebration. Time really seems to fly when you are having fun , soon it was 12.00 pm and we have to leave as we still have a long day ahead of us.

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