Sunday 16 Jan

I went to one of my friends “random” party at her house. The party was suppose to be at in the afternoon but since I live a great far distance away from her , I had to leave my house quiet early at about 11.30 am . When I reach at her house it was about 12.30 pm but I realized that everyone seem to have already arrived.
They were all busy preparing for the party, e.g. making decorations, testing projectors, setting up sound system and so on. Everyone seems busy except me (of cause since I just arrived). I quickly joined in so as not to be the odd one out and lent them a hand with the decorations. At about 1.30 pm everything was ready and we brought it down to the function room to put it up. There were presents for Yong Xing (the organizer and the owner of the condominium) after the series of gifts the videos dedicated to her made by Stand. was shown with the projector .after all the crap (not really) we went on to play some games to brighten up the mood. We had to guess the action of someone to determine the name of a movie; we had people who did really random actions claiming it to be the newest action 3D movie Avatar. His actions seem like some gun fight from some old movies which totally made no connection to anything in the movie Avatar.
Later we move to e karaoke room as the function was book by another family for birthday party. The whole load of us went to slack on the sofa while the over enthusiastic people went on to show off their “awesome” vocal and started singing. We had our dinner at about 8.30 pm went the maid called and we had to go up and bring the food down to the karaoke room. At 10 pm we started clearing up. We all had a great time there and were unwilling to leave, but it’s getting late and some had to work the next day while others including myself had to get to school.

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