Saturday 15 Jan

Today is my friend Mark’s 16th birthday I and my other friend together with mark’s brother Moses went to city harvest church before going to Mark’s house. After the service we went for the John little sale at expo hall 4 to get a present for Mark before going to his house. We looked around for a suitable present for him and finally decided to get him pair of jeans and some snacks for compensate.
When finally reached his house it was about 9.00 pm his mother had bake him a cake for his birthday. (Mark had a brought forward celebration 2 days ago with his father before he left Singapore) .They waited for us to arrive before starting the celebration and we took some pictures the cake and sang happy birthday song dedicated to Mark, then we had some brief candle blowing and we went on to eating the cake. I was very touched by the fact that his mother had actually went though all the trouble to bake a cake as they could have just bought a smaller cake and just let it past. The cake was really nice, it may not look as fancy as the kind of cake found outside but it contains the love of his mother which can replace absolutely anything. We watch a movie chosen by Mark himself after the birthday celebration. Time really seems to fly when you are having fun , soon it was 12.00 pm and we have to leave as we still have a long day ahead of us.

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